Job Description:
- Prepare and teach/facilitate courses, including the preparation of subject syllabi and other teaching materials.
- Foster spiritual growth and healthy community life within the classroom, his/her classes, and the whole DTC community.
- Be available to students for consultation, counsel, and mentoring.
- Disciple students, both formally in structured settings and informally through one-on-one conversations and other informal setups.
- Participate in all community activities, including leading chapels, pastoral groups, Family Evenings, Mission trips, and attending faculty meetings.
- Lead the planning, organization, and evaluation of the annual cross-cultural mission trips.
- Determine and review as Faculty the curriculum of the different programmes, consistent with the vision, mission, ethos, and objectives of DTC and cognizant of current realities.
- Formulate academic policies in the areas of admission, academic standards, and graduation.
- Evaluate the application submissions of prospective students and determine their suitability for admission.
- Set standards for the co-curricular activities and life of the College.
- Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Dean.
Qualifications & Experience:
1. Personal knowledge of Jesus Christ manifested in a life of integrity and growing Christlikeness.
2. Commitment to the basic tenets of evangelical beliefs articulated in DTC's
Statement of Doctrines and agreement with DTC's ethos/core values below.
D iscipled to disciple. We are called to be with Christ, and to be sent out to disciple others (Mk. 3:14).
I ntegration of all of life. We aim to bring all of life under the lordship of Christ.
S piritual formation. We work with the Holy Spirit in the formation of the whole person through spiritual disciplines, practised both personally and in community.
C hrist-centred cross-cultural community. We nurture a cross-cultural
Community which maintains our unity in Christ in the midst of cultural diversity.
I mmersed in the Word of God. We submit to the authority of the Word of God,,upon which we build our faith and lifestyle.
P rayer. We depend on God in every aspect of life and ministry, manifested through
L oving God and loving people from
E very nation/people group.