The Rehabilitation Counsellor, as part of the Community Intervention Team (COMIT), provides assessment, counselling, therapy, case management and psychoeducation support for clients with mental health issues including dementia and their caregivers. With the assessment, the team develops individualised care plans for clients or link up the clients with other more suitable services. Home visits are required for this role.
A. Clinical
- Assess mental health issues in the community, help meet psychosocial needs of clients and their caregivers affected by mental health conditions.
- Promote early recognition of signs and symptoms and facilitate early treatment for people at-risk.
- Facilitate navigation of Community and Mental Health Services and to link people affected by mental health issues and their family members to relevant services.
- Provide appropriate counselling interventions to people affected by mental health issues and their family members.
B. Programme
- Education and Community Outreach
a. Assist in organising, coordinating and setting up public education and
community outreach events.
b. Coordinate or provide mental health screening and attend to enquiries at
events and intervene if necessary
c. Facilitate small group sessions for psychoeducation or psychosocial learning
Provide Care Coordination (assessment, emotional support and counselling,
psycho-education, referral, follow-up and organise case conference, etc.)
C. Referral Sources and Community Partners
a. Network and engage partnership with community agencies
b. Manage relations with referral sources and community partners
c. Plan, obtain, collate and analyse feedback from community partners
D. Administration
- Public Education and Community Outreach
a. Plan, obtain, collate, analyse and respond to enquiries and mental health
screening forms, and intervene if necessary
- Care Coordination Service
a. Maintain case files and ensure all records, contacts with client, care plan and
outcome of clients are properly maintained.
b. Submit statistics regularly
c. Plan, obtain, collate and analyse feedback from clients/family members
- Management and supervision related
a. Attend all relevant department and agency meetings
b. Attend regular staff training and development meetings
- Provide Social Report for Non-Straightforward Cases for Medifund application
E. Any other tasks assigned by the supervisor