Contract Period: From 2 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2025.
• Start Date: 2 Jan 2025 or after the issuance of LOA whichever is later
• End Date: 31 Dec 2025
• 1 year
• Estimated 780 hours
Personnel to be deployed at the following hours:
• Tuesdays to Fridays : 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (inclusive of 1 hr lunch break).
• There will be no claim for lunch break.
• For school holidays, personnel will be notified by the Vice-principal on the actual working day.
• Service not required on Saturdays, Sundays and gazetted public holidays.
• The exact working schedule will be confirmed by the school upon award of contract.
Scope of Works:
The Services required are set out as follows:
a) Outreach and engagement
- Engage and build positive relationships with identified students during and/or outside of curriculum hours;
- Engage and connect with higher needs students in community settings outside of school compounds;
- Engage, motivate and equip students with knowledge and skills to build socio-emotional skills and overcome life challenges;
- Conduct emotional management workshops for identified students to equip students with skills on how to better manage their emotions;
- Empower students with responsibilities and platforms to contribute back to the community/school and be meaningfully engaged;
- Work with school staff, in the crafting and implementation of the programme for high-needs students.
b) Case management and family engagement
- Provide case planning, management and counselling support customised to needs of students and families;
- Plan and conduct family engagement and intervention such as family sessions, telephone contact or home visits aligned with student's needs.
c) Assessment and student identification
- Observe and identify key needs of students;
- Usage of identification and screening tools to assess students needs, when required;
- To discuss needs and intervention plans of identified students with relevant school personnel (Eg. Student management team personnel and school leaders).
d) School collaboration
- Provide relevant feedback and progress of students to school personnel;
- Provide support and consultation to school teachers on students needs and challenges.
e) Social Work Intervention (for identified students)
- Equip students with socio-emotional skills that develop students' confidence, character and self-leadership through a hands-on, class-based programme;
- Enable students to translate their learning from the programme into multiple contexts including the home, class and community settings, thereby improving parent-child, teacher-student and peer relationships and sense of belonging to these multiple environments.