N-GAP: Nanophotonic GAtes with exciton-Polaritons
Many technologies and platforms have been suggested to build a quantum computer, including ions, atoms, electrons, and superconducting materials. Among these options, all-integrated photonic platforms that allow creating complex circuitry with a small footprint are very promising.
In N-GAP we will explore and exploit a hybrid state of light and matter, the excitonic polariton, to create a platform for quantum computing. Exciton polaritons, which emerge from the strong-coupling of an exciton and a photon, exhibit Kerr nonlinearities typically three orders of magnitude stronger than that found in standard photonic nonlinear crystals. The main objective of N-GAP is to further enhance the nonlinearity of the polariton systems to achieve the first experimental realisation of a deterministic CNOT gate based on polariton systems, which is the essential building block of a quantum computer.
Read more about the N-GAP project here.
Transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 materials (where M=Mo or W, and X=Se or S) are one atom thick 2D layers containing heavy elements (e.g. Mo). These two properties render the optical properties of this material family unique, with electronic optically-active excitations that are extremely robust and that dominate their optical response even above room-temperature. Interestingly, the exciton-exciton interaction strength as well as the excitonic fermionic saturation have been measured to be larger than those predicted by the hydrogenic model describing excitons in conventional bulk semiconductors. This explains why just one single monolayer of TMD is able to display an interaction strength comparable to “thick” single and multiquantum wells. Furthermore, in TMDs this interaction strength can be further enhanced by using either Rydberg excitons, which have displayed an almost 5-times enhancement, charged excitons (i.e. trions), which have shown a factor 10 enhancement, or dipolaritons, which are built upon indirect excitons in stacks of TMDs and which have shown a ~10-fold enhancement.
In N-GAP we plan to exploit this enhanced exciton-exciton (or, equivalently, polariton-polariton) interaction strength by integrating TMDs into vertical and horizontal optical microcavities combining large quality factors and reduced mode volumes, as schematically shown in the Figure below. The research fellow will contribute to the optical spectroscopy of the microcavities paying special attention to the assessment of the polariton-polariton interaction strength under different configurations and to the analysis of the quantum properties of light interacting with such microcavities.
- Candidate must hold a PhD or equivalent University level diploma in Condensed Matter Physics and/or Photonics and/or Optoelectronics.
- Candidate must be experienced in optics and/or optical spectroscopy.
- Further experience in clean-room processing would be welcome.
- A solid knowledge of written and spoken English is mandatory.
- We expect good interpersonal skills, the ability to thrive in a diverse, multidisciplinary environment, and the ability to present work at international conferences.
Salary range: 106 kSGD (adjustable depending on suitability and experience)
Duration: 1 year position, renewable yearly for a maximum of three years (depending on results)
Workplace address:
Majulab (CNRS) – NTU, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371
Interested applicants please send your resume to:
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
Subject template for application by email:
NGAP – Research Fellow – Spectroscopy of 2D microcavities
Applications consisting of
– A letter of motivation
– CV
– Copies of degrees and certificates
– Two (maximum) recommendation letters