- To ensure lifting supervisors carry out duties according to WSH
- To ensure sufficient Lifting Supervisors, Riggers and Signalmen is available for all hours of lifting operations.
- Ensure that only crane contractors approved by the Commissioner for Workplace Safety & Health are allowed to carry out installation, repair and alteration of load bearing parts, or dismantling of cranes.
- Plan for and organize all lifting activities with the lifting supervisors to ensure safe lifting operations at all times.
- Ensures that the load charts of any crane are in a language understood by the crane operators, or otherwise to ensure that the load charts are translated into a language understood by the crane operator.
- Ensure ground conditions are safe for any lifting operation to be performed by any mobile crane and the stability of all crane access for the lifting operations to be undertaken safely.
- Ensures that there is a set of safe lifting procedures for any lifting operation by a mobile crane or a tower crane.
- If any unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions are reported to him, to take such measures to rectify the unsatisfactory or unsafe condition or otherwise ensure that any lifting operation is carried out safely.
- Ensure that all lifting operations are carried out in accordance with the WSH (Operations of Cranes) Regulations and other related legal legislation, CP or SS.
- LTA General Specifications Appendix GS-A-62
- Responsible for organization and control of lifting operation.
- Inspect crane access on a periodic basis to ensure safe access for all cranes.
- Monitor daily inspections by Lifting Supervisors
- Monitor daily checking of cranes by crane operators.
- Take measures to rectify the any unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions which are reported by Lifting Supervisors, Crane Operators, Rigger or Signalmen.
- Ensure adequate maintenance of all cranes are being carried out.
- Ensure that the crane and its foundation are erected according to the manufacturer’s design.
- At least 5 years of site experience to oversee the activities of various lifting supervisors on site