工作内容 Job Description
1. 观察幼儿和同事 Observation of children and colleagues
2. 为幼儿准备良好的学习环境 Prepare the environment for the children at the start and end of the day
3. 具有团队合作精神 Work closely as a team
4. 因材施教,能够根据每个幼儿个人的能力调整教法 Teach children based on their abilities
工作要求 Requirements
1. 需具有ECDA L1 或 L2 资格 L1 or L2 qualified
2. 能够使用流利的中文进行教学 Fluent in Chinese (to be able to teach Chinese to young children)
3. 良好的观察能力 Good observation skills
4. 思想开明 Open-minded
5. 能够从非母语者的角度去思考和进行教学 Able to teach Chinese as a second language
6. 可以用简单英语与同事沟通 Understand basic English to communicate with team members