Recognize, research, and analyze various threat actor groups/attack patterns, tactics, techniques and procedures.
Use data analysis to develop profiles of bad actors on X, and complete scaled investigations into those bad actors.
Conduct threat modeling to improve threat detection and mitigation.
Build heuristic rules to detect and stop bad actors on X, and contribute to building other detection systems and Trust & Safety product features.
Perform continuous research based on open source and internal tooling on specific threats, including threat actors and campaigns, to determine detection and enforcement gaps for X Rules and policies. This includes campaign tracking and trending evaluation.
Investigate anomalies detected by other Trust & Safety or partner teams.
Participate in Red/Blue team activities.
Produce brief bulletins, assessments, or full-length profiles of actors for stakeholders delivered in a timely and contextual manner.
Manage external and internal Threat Intelligence partnerships on behalf of X. This includes optimizing and managing data sources of threat intelligence information.
[+] This role will be focused on threats impacting election integrity and civic process: Analyze the key parameters of an election, conduct an assessment of the risks, work with the team and stakeholders to mitigate the harms on X under relevant policies, and propose ways we can be more efficient and effective in protecting the integrity of civic conversations on the platform.