Admin Jr Executive Job Description & Requirements Maintenance all filings
1. Prepare and maintain all company admin filings 2. Prepare and update GST data
3. Submit GST
4. Track assets
5. Prepare quotations and invoices listings
Maintenance company payroll
1. Maintenance Foreign workers medical, WIC and dormitory records 2. Maintenance company staff employment records
3. Liaise with MOM application and resignation of foreign employees 4. Prepare staffs payroll on every 5th of the month
Maintenance company quotations, sales & invoices
1. Prepare and submit quote, tracking project every Monday on forms
2. Prepare service and photos reports for invoicing
3. Prepare sales tracking & invoice
4. Prepare payment outstanding list and follow up to collect payments on time 5. Prepare all cheque payment
And any other job assigned to the employee
Salary $2500 - $3500