- 0630hr to 1530hr (6.30am to 3.30pm).
- 1300hr to 2200hr (1pm to 10pm).
- 1500hr to 0000hr (3pm to 12am).
- 2300hr to 0800hr (11pm to 8am)*
- 1900hr to 0200hr (7pm to 2am)*
- 0430hr to 1330hr (4.30am to 1.30pm)*
*Additional Shift Allowance of $5 per shift.
Job Description (Training will be provided):
- Foreign crew escort.
- Kiosk machine assistance.
- Managing auto baggage drop.
- Arrival and Departure gate handling.
- Misc duties such as queue management, early check-in registration, etc.
- 44-hrs work-week with alternate 5/6 work-day arrangement.
- Transport reimbursement (capped at $30.00) for shifts before 0700hr (7am) and after 2300hr (11pm).
- All shifts above includes one hour of unpaid break.