Job Description:
1. Provides investment information and financial advice;
2. Works with corporate and individual clients;
3. Maintains knowledge of oversea real estate of investment and financial products, including trusts, stocks, bonds, and shares;
4. Lialise with Chinese colleagues.
Job Requirement:
1. At least 5 years related overseas(especially in China) real estate and investment experience.
2. Engages in regular research to stay apprised about Singapore and China economy, global financial markets, and general current events.
3. Maintains current knowledge about financial products available to corporate and individual clients, including bonds, stocks, investments, and real estate investment.
4. Works closely with investment analysts to assess financial information and investment opportunities.
5. Uses complex financial models to project future earning and profit potential and uses this data to inform decisions and proposals.
6.Takes on high levels of responsibility on behalf of financial institutions, corporate clients, investment organisations, and insurance companies.
7. Specialises in a particular field or industry to aspire to achieve expert level knowledge.