The Technician will generally be focusing on decontamination and restoration services after the project has been assigned. Technician will be required to work in pair or with a team either inhouse or at customers’ worksite to perform the assigned project within project schedule.
The Company usually engaged in project (business) that has been affected or caused to be happened due to natural disaster or non-disaster that has been “tampered” from its original conditions. Such damages required restoration and recovery services in order for business owners to resume business activities at the shortest time.
General responsibilities: -
- Carry out decontamination of equipment (i.e. inspection, flushing, washing, cleaning, drying and preserving from contamination)
- Carry out restoration of property that includes buildings (i.e. checking, cleaning, painting, recoating and washing)
- Carry out restoration service of equipment, machineries and properties: -
- Perform physical visual inspection
- Perform dismantling of components in sequence as necessary under approved instructions and guidelines only
- Apply decontamination & washing procedures using approved chemicals within the workshop facility by removing dirt, dust, grease, fluids, impurities and unwanted articles /substances from the contaminated parts
- Perform drying, cleaning, assemble and repacking of restored equipment
- Carry out the decontamination of property (i.e. building exterior and its internal content): -
- Contain the worksite by setting up appropriate safety controls (i.e. prevent further widespread, barricade, etc.)
- Clean up of property site affected by contamination (i.e. clean up debris, fluids, etc.)
- Apply approved chemical and cleaning agents to neutralize /contain the contaminated sites
- Apply decontamination procedures by collection of contaminated agent into containers for proper disposal through 3rd party advisers
- Cleaning up of sites after completion of project
Activities requirements: -
- Physical hands-on involvement with decontamination activities
- Working in industrial, commercial sites and within premises
- Prepare to wear personal protective equipment (i.e., gloves, goggles, safety shoes, safety vest, etc.)
- Ability to carry small load of 5-10kg over short distance; and standing /walking most of the time on job
- Prepare to work at height, low-ground, open-space and under the sun where needed
- Work in a team at all times (team-player)
- Being supervised and work within strict safety guidelines and instructions
- Perform overtime and adhoc on-call (anytime) when required
- Comfortable to travel and move around (on jobsites) most of the work schedules
- Active involvement in all projects and willingness to participate spontaneously
Technician may also be involved in assigned routine inhouse maintenance project to ensure all equipment and machineries are in serviceable conditions, readily available and for deployment.