Our clinic is looking to hire a part time clinic assistant. This part time staff will be required to come on a daily basis for shorter hours on weekdays and also half days on Saturdays.
The job scope of the clinic assistant includes duties at the clinic reception such as answering incoming phone calls, making appointments for patients, sending patient reminders, registering patients, taking weight and height, taking vital parameters (heart rate and blood pressure).
The clinic assistant is also expected to help the doctor with procedures in the room.
The clinic assistant will also need to see to the tidiness and upkeep of the clinic.
Other duties include stock take, assisting the doctor in preparing and dispensing medication.
The applicant should have at least 3 years working in a general practice or specialist outpatient clinic.
The application should also have experience using clinic software e.g. Plato, Clinic Assist, etc.
The applicant will need to have a mininum O level education with decent grades in English and Mathematics.