SG Local / PR only. Interested Applicants please kindly call 88525981 to talk.
All super clustered! More info as follows:
Work area is in Tampines, specifically covering Condos along Tampines Street 86. ad-hoc basis for days when additional manpower is needed to clear bulky items. Typically on Tuesdays almost every week, and the 1-3 days following Major Sales. Training & Trolley provided.
1) Local Singaporean or Permanent Residents Only
2) Must have android phone + data
3) Must have decent enough eyesight to read english properly
4) Must be able to follow instructions and protocols
5) Prefer if stay in tampines or willing to come down to tampines
6) Able to read and communicate in English or Chinese
7) Reasonably fit (this job involves alot of walking around and carrying / pushing moderate loads)
Per Parcel Rate
Rate of $0.80/parcel, load varies, can be 30-40 parcels , can be 100s, depends on your appetite and available areas on day of work. Payment is made every 2 weeks. E.g. 1-15th Jan work done paid 31st Jan / 1st Feb or so.
Working Hours
on days we require you, will take about 1-2 hours to sort and ready your parcels, then be dropped off or attached to driver to delivery location(s), delivery depending on your speed can do about 30-40 parcels/hour. Typically start sorting about 10am before deployment. Most days can expect to finish before 6pm unless you take alot.
Additional Notes:
1) no CPF as under freelance
2) Make no mistakes (or fix it when it happens) and no penalities will apply
3) Failure to follow SOP and get caught by audit -> $50++ penalty per instance